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Family Planning God's Way

Posted by Mike Mccauley
Mike Mccauley
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on Sunday, 14 April 2013
in Pastors' Corner

KingdomView, Vol. V, Issue 8

Scripture: Genesis 2:23-24

Sermon Summary

In his book, Before You Marry (1974), J. Allan Petersen writes, "Though marriage is the most significant human relationship of our life, often less time is given to preparing for it than we give to learning to drive, planning a vacation, or learning a language." Couples spend an enormous amount of time planning for their wedding, but not enough for living a life together after the big ceremony in many cases. The high rates of failed marriages in the United States bear witness to this assertion. For first marriages, it is roughly 50%. Moreover, someone has said, "If you want to know the purpose of a thing, never ask the thing, for purpose can only be found in the mind of the creator of that thing." This axiom holds true for marriage and family. Hence, if we want to know the purpose of marriage and family then we must consult its Creator, God!

In the book of beginnings, Genesis, Moses reveals God’s purpose and intent for marriage and family. My thesis is simple, "The Bible discloses that the inauguration of marriage and family was God’s idea." I hope to answer biblically the question, ‘Why did God institute marriage and family?’ Genesis 1-2 suggests three major reasons:

1. The first reason for marriage is procreation. Genesis 1 gives us a panoramic view of God’s wondrous work of creation and intent for humankind. In Genesis 2, it reveals how God brought His intent in Genesis 1:26-28 to reality.

He would create man (Hebrew, Ish) from the dust of the ground (Genesis 2:7) and then form woman (Hebrew, Ishshah) from man’s side (Genesis 2:21, 22). In Hebrew, Ishshah has two basic meanings, woman and wife. Both ideas are present in the word’s first occurrences (Genesis 2:22-25). As a side note, this is where the tradition of wife taking on the last name of her husband in marriage originates. In Genesis 1:28, the man and the woman are to be fruitful, multiply, and fill the earth. Before the procreation process would begin between Adam and Eve, God would institute marriage (Genesis 2:23-25). The Divine design for marriage is between one man and woman, and they are to carry out the mandate for procreation. Advances in modern day science have made possible the ability for people to procreate independent of nature’s natural process for human family creation; however, God’s intent and design for the family still trumps human attempts to redefine His intent. Hence, marriage is between one man and woman who would produce offspring; thus, creating the nuclear family that would disperse the influence, authority, and character of God throughout the earth through their progeny (Genesis 1:28).

2. The second reason for marriage is our completion. God gave Adam somebody (Eve) who would complete him. In essence, God gave Adam a person distinct from himself who would make up what he lacked. A husband and wife should complement each other, benefit from each other’s strengths, and undergird each other in areas of weakness. Some refer to this second reason as self-realization. No matter how wonderful we may think we are, however, reality has a way of uncovering the truth and so does marriage. Husbands and wives truly need and complement one another in God’s divine design for the family. I am reminded of the movie Jerry Maguire starring Tom Cruise (Jerry Maguire), Cuba Gooding, Jr. (Rod Tidwell) and Renée Zellweger (Dorothy Boyd). Jerry Maguire is a glossy 35-year old sports agent who one night has an epiphany about perceived dishonesty in the sports management business and how he believes the business should operate, so he drafts a mission statement. Next, he shares his mission statement manifesto with his firm and colleagues. They reject it, and he is fired. Another employee, Dorothy Boyd, is moved by his mission statement and decides to follow and work for Maguire. Before Maguire can establish his new sports agent business and move his client list from Sports Management International (SMI), his former employer, his clients are persuaded to jump ship by his former colleagues. Maguire has only one client left, the disgruntled wide receiver for the Arizona Cardinals, Rod Tidwell. Be Enlightened, Encouraged and Equipped! Copyright 2013 JW Henderson Ministries

Maguire’s redemption will come through Tidwell, but not before he learns from him and his family the true meaning of love, for Maguire and Boyd are now married and miserable. Eventually, Maguire comes to understand the true meaning of love, marriage and family. After a brief period of misguided affection, Maguire sees the light, has a self-realization of his lack in life without a true bond with his wife, and utters three compelling life-changing words to her, "YOU COMPLETE ME!" At this point in the movie, my "allergies" start acting up and I have to wipe my eyes—oh yeah, right!

3. The third reason for marriage is to provide a divine illustration. The relationship between husband and wife is meant to serve as a working of the link between Christ and the church (Ephesians 5:22-33). Moreover, the family is picturesque of the Trinity. The basic family unit consists of a father, mother and child. These three are distinct in personhood and yet share the same human essence. As a family unit, they should share the same basic family values and goals. Therefore, when the Christian family operates according to God’s divine design, it illustrates an aspect of the proper unity and harmony that the Godhead enjoys to society. Likewise, within the economy of the Trinity each member though one in essence perform different roles. This assertion is known as "functional subordination." This means that not only does each member have a different function or role, but some functions are also subordinate to others. The same is true of the nuclear family. Jesus demonstrates this truth for us in Philippians 2:5-8. Though ontologically equal with God the Father, He voluntarily submitted Himself to the Father’s will to go to the cross and make payment for the sins of humanity to make possible humankind’s reconciliation to God. Hence, if Jesus Christ could submit to the Father, though equal, how much more should spouses submit to each other as well as children to their parents (Ephesians 5:21-33).


1. What are the three purposes of marriage from a biblical perspective?

2. What is the Bible’s definition of marriage?

3. Do you believe in the authority of Scripture? If not, why not? (By the authority of Scripture we mean that the Bible, as the expression of God’s will to us, possesses the right supremely to define what we are to believe and how we are to conduct ourselves)

4. How do you understand your role within the family structure?

5. Are you practicing submission within your family? (Applies to all: husbands, wives and children; Ephesians 5:21)

Go Deeper

Additional Reading:

1. Ron L. Deal, The Smart Stepfamily: Seven Steps to a Healthy Family.

2. Greg Johnson and Mike Yorkey, Faithful Parents, Faithful Kids: A Strategy for Passing the Baton of Faith—From Those Who’ve Done It.

3. Tony Evans, The Kingdom Agenda

4. Willie Richardson, Reclaiming the Urban Family: How to Mobilize the Church as a Family Training Center

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