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The Leadership Factor

Posted by Mike Mccauley
Mike Mccauley
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on Sunday, 13 January 2013
in Pastors' Corner

KingdomView, Vol. V, Issue 2

Scripture: Ephesians 4:11-14

Sermon Summary

Leaders do more than lead people; they cultivate other leaders. Our Savior, Jesus Christ, is a prime example of my assertion. He personally trained twelve disciples and equipped them for leadership. Likewise, our life’s mission as a church echoes the same sentiment as the opening sentence concerning leadership development. Namely, Celebrate New Life Tabernacle Church exists to glorify God by "Producing spiritually productive people for effective ministry through Christ-centered teaching and good works" (Ephesians 4:11, 12). Thus, there is an allusion to leadership in our mission statement and we consider every member a leader. The bottom line is that leadership is influence. In today’s text, Paul shared with the people of Ephesus Christ’s means of producing mature, unified believers through gifted leaders given by Him to His church (Ephesians 4:7-11). Hence, these gifted spiritual leaders work to produce mature, unified Christians (Ephesians 4:3, 13). What can we learn from our chosen text concerning this idea? Let us examine four spiritual leadership phrases.

1. The GIFT of spiritual leadership.

Christ is the giver of spiritual gifts to the church. In this passage, Jesus Christ gives gifts to the church in the form of spiritual leaders who are endowed with speaking gifts (Ephesians 4:11). These gifted individuals are responsible for the maturing process of the saints. The main principle here is that Jesus Christ is the purveyor of spiritual gifts through the Holy Spirit (Ephesians 4:7, 8; 1 Corinthians 12:11). Thus, every Christian has at least one spiritual gift and that gift is for the blessing of His body, the church (1 Peter 4:10; 1 Corinthians 12:14-27). In this short article, a thorough analysis of each speaking gift listed here in Ephesians 4:11 is not feasible. Therefore, a general exposition will have to suffice. Another take away here is to understand that you must develop your gift by discovering and exercising it. There should be no dormant Christian in the body of Christ if he or she is physically and mentally capable to serve. Therefore, if you are idle, change your status and fulfill Christ’s expectation of ministry service (Matthew 25:14-30).

2. The TASK of spiritual leadership.

According to Ephesians 4:12, the mission of spiritual leaders is to "equip the saints," equip them for what—service. Hence, spiritual leaders are to spend their time training the sheep to perform ministry and the outcome should result in a highly ministry-active church. In essence, this phrase carries the idea of the strengthening effect of sound Bible teaching by the spiritual leaders. It also conveys the idea of progress resulting from patient effort. Thus, those who instruct others in the Lord must do so with a steady, consistent hand, for their labor will produce a harvest. Jesus is our great example. He personally trained the twelve. After being energized by the power of the Spirit (Acts 1:8), they grew into strong disciples and produced much fruit, which was what Christ desired (John 15:4, 5, 16). The Hebrew writer affirms this truth about the Father’s equipping of His people when he writes, [He] "Equip you on every good thing to do His will, work in us that which is pleasing in His sight, through Jesus Christ, to whom be the glory forever and ever, Amen" (Hebrews 13:21 NASB). Lastly, we also bear a personal responsibility for our spiritual growth and development as well. It is not just the spiritual leaders’ responsibility (2 Timothy 2:15).

3. The GOAL of spiritual leadership.

Next, Paul raises a question about time. Specifically, how long will this growth process take? In this context, his answer is until we all come to a state of unity, maturity and conformity (Ephesians 4:13). As it relates to the entire body of Christ, I am sure that complete unity in all doctrine will probably not be achieved on this side of heaven. William MacDonald writes in the Believer’s Bible Commentary the following: "When the Lord takes His church home to heaven, we will all arrive at the unity of the faith." I wholeheartedly agree with this statement. When Paul wrote to the Corinthian church in 1 Corinthians 13:9-12, he Be Enlightened, Encouraged and Equipped! Copyright 2013 Joseph Henderson Ministries

spoke about our inability to fully perceive (understand) the things of God on this side of heaven, but one day this issue will be resolved. Until then, we have many disagreements. For example, should everyone wash feet or not? Should we worship on Sunday or Saturday? What does it mean to be baptized in the Spirit? Is speaking in tongues for today or not? This list could go on forever it seems. Furthermore, we could raise another question pertaining to this discussion. For example, how long should it take a Christian to attain spiritual maturity? I believe there is a biblical answer, but it is not lying on the surface. Paul is disheartened that he could not speak to the Corinthians as spiritual [mature] men, but as fleshly [carnal] men (1 Corinthians 3:1-6). Hence, members of the Corinthian church in A.D. 55 wrote this letter (1 Corinthians) to Paul. They were seeking answers from him to problems that were plaguing their church. Theologians credit Paul for birthing the Corinthian church in A.D. 50. Five years had elapsed and the Corinthians had not matured spiritually. Therefore, in Paul’s mind they should have been mature. What then is the primary evidence of one’s spiritual maturity in Christ? It is the ability to discern good from evil and render a consistent, proper biblical response (Hebrews 5:13, 14).

4. The FRUIT of spiritual leadership.

If the spiritual leaders have trained their people well and the people have received and acted upon the information, then the fruit of spiritual stability and strength of solid Christian character should show itself clearly. Paul gave us a sure sign that reveals true spiritual maturation in the Lord, which is not succumbing to false teachers and their destructive doctrines. The Bible Knowledge Commentary states, " Here Paul expressed the ultimate purpose, or perhaps better, the result (hina) of gifted people equipping saints to serve the Lord and others. Negatively, believers should not be like immature infants who are easily swayed and confused, like waves being tossed back and forth (cf. Luke 8:24; James 1:6) and blown here and there (lit., "whirled around," a violent swinging that makes one dizzy) by every gust of wind of teaching...by the cunning, better, "trickery" (kybeia, lit., "dice-playing") of men in their deceitful scheming (panourgia, also used in Luke 20:23; 1 Corinthians 3:19; 2 Corinthians 4:2; 11:3), moving toward (pros indicates goal) a system of error. False teachers cause this kind of confusion regarding the truth in order to try to bring believers into their erroneous schemes."


1. Are you faithfully involved in a ministry of your church?

2. Are you growing in the knowledge, wisdom and understanding of God’s Word? Moreover, are you applying what you learn to your life?

3. Do you have a personal spiritual growth plan or strategy?

4. Who do you listen to and obey, the opinions of the world or the truth of God’s Word?

Go Deeper

Additional Reading:

1. Aubrey Malphurs, Being Leaders: The Nature of Authentic Christian Leadership

2. Lynn Anderson, They Smell Like Sheep: Spiritual Leadership for the 21st century

3. Allen Hadidian, Disciple: Helping Other Christians Grow

4. Robert L. Thomas, Understanding Spiritual Gifts: A Verse-by-Verse Study of 1 Corinthians 12-14

5. Roy B. Zuck, Teaching as Paul Taught

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